Feeling all of baby’s kicks, jabs, and wiggles during your pregnancy will have you reaching for your phone to try and catch them on camera. While this is an exciting time for many moms, some worry about when they should be feeling baby’s movement and how often. Angela Hammett, BSN, RNC-OB, ICCE, LCCE, the Community Education Manager of Woman’s Hospital, says that it can vary on when mom will begin feeling the kicks. However, 20 weeks is usually the starting point. “Mom should start feeling baby’s movement by 20 weeks. For those who have been pregnant before, they can feel them earlier. [However,] there’s no reason to start counting baby’s kicks until 30 weeks. By then, mom should count at least 10 in an hour,” she says. With the Woman’s Pregnancy app, moms can track their babies’ kicks throughout the day, using the Kick Counter. And if any moms have concerns about their little one’s fetal movement, they are encouraged to reach out to their doctors.
Count the Kicks