Woman’s Hospital has always provided a unique focus in caring for moms. And now, during the pandemic, Woman’s Hospital has opened a separate hospital unit for patients with COVID-19. This unit is fully capable of caring for patients and their newborns during and after delivery. This unit also has a separate nursing and medical staff that does not cross over into the regular labor and delivery units. Woman’s is following CDC guidelines using appropriate PPE and infection control measures, and the 12-bed unit has the capacity to expand to a 24-bed unit, if needed. “This isolation unit allows us to provide the same safe and excellent quality of care to our patients who are experiencing COVID-19 infection, while preventing exposure to our other patients,” says Barbara Griffith, MD, president & CEO of Woman’s Hospital. “We want our expecting moms to be reassured that Woman’s is taking all of the necessary precautions to keep them safe.”
Woman’s Enhances Critical Care Services